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Danny 블로그 - 2011 Wrap up

Danny가 2011년을 마감하며 유방암으로 돌아가신 엄마의 이름으로 만든

TEAM BETTY의 자선기금 모금 현황을 총정리해줬네요.

처음 시작했던 2008년에 비해 TEAM이 많이 늘었났답니다.

2011낸 새로 탄생한 팀에 제가 만든 South Korea 팀도 언급해줬어요^^


기부금에 내실 뉴키즈 팬여러분들은 고고씽~ 

2012년에도 유방암 예방 후원을 위한 TEAM BETTY의 활동은 계속됩니다.

Danny가 10억달러 이상 달성하고 하네요^^

크루즈 핑크 파티도 너무 기대됩니다!

뉴키즈 팬 여러분

새해 복 많이 받으세요~

Happy New Year!


Well, our fundraising for 2011 is done! Our total for the year is $263,118 and the total since 2008 is $743,749!! There were 81 active teams this year. That's 4x the number of teams from '09, and almost 3x the number of teams from last year. With the way TEAM BETTY is growing, we will play a big part in finding a cure to breast cancer.


Highlights for 2011-

* Over $99,000 from the Harley Davidson raffle

* Over $23,000 raised by Miami Team Betty

* Over $23,000 raised by Team Betty Canada

* Over $16,000 from Pink Night (should we do it again?)

* An additional $11,000 + from the Cruisers donations

* Over $15,000 raised by the Boston 3 Day team

* 3 Day teams in Boston, Tampa, San Francisco, San Diego and Seattle (most ever 3 Day teams, but 2012 will have even more!)

* Over $9,000 raised by Batting For Betty in Boston

* First ever teams in Chile, Panama, Greece, Germany, South Korea, UK, and The Netherlands

* 600+ Team Betty walkers

* Cat's 200+ mile bike ride for Remember Betty  

         2011 was an incredible year. But let’s make 2012 the biggest yet. Let’s get past $1,000,000 raised in the fight against breast cancer. We can do it!

         I want to thank all of you for all your hard work. I also am so grateful for all the sentimental gifts you give me. Pictures of my mom, videos, interviews, etc. I will never be able to thank you enough for the bond you have created between my children and Nana Betty Wood. They know who she is, what she stood for, and how much she loved me. This is because all of you continue to share your special memories of Betty with my children and me.  I am proud beyond words to know my mother’s memory has influenced so many. Everything I am and continue to be I owe to Betty Wood. She shines down on all of us everyday.


         Mom, I love you and miss you.


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