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Jonathan의 블로그 - 8/13

Jonathan이 nkotb.com에 블로그 올렸다고 트윗을 해줘서 냉큼 가 봤습니다.

종종 Jonathan은 nkotb.com에 들러 팬들과 소통하곤 하는데요,

오늘은 얼마 남지 않은 NKOTBSB 공연이 아쉽다며 미리 작별인사를???

정말 대~에~충 내용을 요약해드릴께요~

타이틀 8/13... NKOTBSB 콘서트가 앞으로 8개가 남았고, 13일이 남았답니다.

몇몇 사람들은 투어 끝나는게 싫을지 모르지만 Jonathan은 기계가 아니기때문에

자기집으로 돌아가 가족 & 친구들과 지내고 평소대로 잠자고 싶다네요~

Jonathan이 전에도 Fenway Park 공연 무대설치하는 과정을 담은 동영상를 트윗으로 링크하면서

무대장치등 NKOTBSB투어에 함께 참여한 모든 스텝들에 대한 감사의 인사를  했었는데요,

이번 블로그에서도 역시 제일 먼저 스텝들을 챙기는군요.

그분들과 작별인사를 또 하기가 정말 힘들다면서, 그분들 없이는 공연 역시 없었을 거라고..

Backstreet Boys와 함께 멋진 경험을 했다고 합니다.

NKOTBSB4ever 라는군요~ 흐~

경험이 비슷한 아트스트로써 함께해서 너무 좋았다며,

NKOTB와 마찬가지로 BSB는 수년간 그늘의 능력을 마스터했기에,

힘든 쇼비즈니스에서 오래도록 그들만의 방식으로 잘 헤쳐나갈수 있을 것이라고...

마지막은 팬들에 대한 감사의 메세지~

휴지~!! 팽~!! 아이고.. 눈물이 또 앞을 가리는군요!

우리들(팬들)이 NKOTB한테 준것은 단지 두번째 기회만이 아니였답니다!

세번째, 네번째, 다섯번째 기회를 준 것이라고~ 아흑~~

팬들과 함께한 모든 추억들을 소중히 할것이며,

앞으로 몇년간 만들어갈 추억들을 기대하겠다고 했습니다.


Jul 27, 2011 By: Jonathan Knight

The title basically says it all ,8 shows, and 13 days left on the NKOTBSB tour! Some people get upset when I talk of the tour coming to an end. Frankly, I am not a machine and it is past time to get home to my own familiar surroundings, my family, friends, and a normal sleeping pattern!

It will be hard to say goodbye once again to an amazing group of people! We had the most dedicated crew this tour, setting up and tearing down our stage every day! They always seemed to have a smile on their faces daily, even after only getting a few hours sleep, and not that many days off! I admire these men and woman! They are my kind of people. Hardworking everyday down to earth people! So much emphasis is placed on us the performers, truth of the matter, there would not be a show night after night without our amazing group of crew members and our bus and truck drivers who haul us and our stuff across the continent.

Working with the Backsteet Boys has truly been an incredible experience. NKOTBSB may come to an end sometime in the future but in my heart NKOTBSB will live on forever. I have grown fond of these guys and have enjoyed sharing the stage with them city after city! It is nice to work with other artists who have been through so many similar situations and experiences as we have! These guys have mastered their craft the same way we have, years and years of doing it. This business is tough, and can through many curves your way as you sail along! As long as you take the ride, doing the best you can do, the journey is amazing!

I am in awe everyday that we keep going forward! When I was approached in early 2007 about doing a "reunion tour" I honestly thought we would do one tour, and within the year I'd be back home working my day job! Funny thing is, this many years later, here I am riding on my bus to the next city to perform! It is still surreal that we hold such a special place in the hearts of so many. In my head I am just a man from Boston Massachusetts who took a chance with this boyband called Nynuk back in the mid eighties! We hit it big as NKOTB and then it all ended 17 years ago! I am one for giving people second chances ,but to get a second chance is something that should never be taken for granted! You all not only have given us our second chance, you have now given us our third, fourth, and fifth! I cherish all the memories we have shared together and look forward to the many memories we will create in years ahead!

All my love and respect,


ps. dont type on your laptop while driving down the highway! its worse than reading in a moving car! I may be blind right about now LOL

Jonathan이 블로그에 이어 위의 비디오 트윗으로 울다 웃겨줬는데요,

배꼽 조심~!!

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