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보스턴 해럴드에 Joey 기사가 나왔습니다.

어제 보스턴에 있는 스튜디오에서 크리스마스 앨범을 녹음했다고 하는데요,

클래식 크리스마스송 & 신곡으로 꽉꽉 채워주길 기대해보아요~

인터뷰 기사 내용을 대충 알려드리자면....

지난해 이어 진행하는 Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary 이벤트에서

지난해 모았던 기부금(백만달러)만큼 성과가 좋길 바란다고 하네요.

둘째 Rhys는 하루만 같이 지내보면 청력을 잃은지 알수 없을거라며

놀라운 최첨단 기술에 감사하다고^^

다른 2살배기들처럼 다 알아 듣는다고 하니 무척이나 다행스럽네요^^

지난 주말에 출연했던 CIS:NY 이야기와

11월초에 방송될 Psych, 연말에 개봉할 New Year's Eve까지 언급하면서,

Joey가 까메오 출연이라고 하네요^^

정말 영화 볼때 눈 동그랗게 뜨고 'Joey찾기놀이'를 해야할듯... ㅋㅋ

마지막으로 Joey가 Boston 집에 오니 무척 행복하다고 합니다!

Joey McIntyre records a Christmas album at Sanctum Studios in Boston yesterday.

Sense of duty shines through for Joey Mac

Turns out, not every child star grows up to be an adult train wreck. Exhibit A: Jamaica Plain homey Joe McIntyre, who shot to stardom at age 12 as the youngest member of New Kids on the Block.

Now pushing 40, Joey’s a husband and a dad, a successful actor — and he can still make the girls scream when he and the rest of NKOTB hit the stage with fellow boy-banders the Backstreet Boys. And tonight, Joe’s back home in Boston to help raise some dough for research and treatment for kids suffering from disorders affecting vision and hearing at the Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary’s Sense-ation gala.

“This is a great event,” Joey Mac told the Track. “Last year we raised about a million dollars, which is unbelievable, and this year we expect to match it.”

Joey and wife Barrett’s 2-year-old son Rhys was born with severe hearing loss. But thanks to early diagnosis and treatment, dad says Rhys is doing “phenomenal.”

“If you hung out with him for a day you wouldn’t even think he suffers from hearing loss,” he said. “I just thank God for the amazing technology, the hearing aids and the work my wife does with Rhys and a speech therapist every week.”

Joe says the toddler, who wears hearing aids, “understands everything we tell him” and speaks like any other 2 year old.

“Today he’s pointing to his ear and saying, ‘What happened?’ My wife figured out that his ears popped on the plane. It’s all baby talk, but he’s talking and understanding everything.”

Rhys is the second of the McIntyres’ three kids — big bro Griffin is 4 and baby sis Kira is 4 months.

“Three’s the new 9,” laughed Joe, who has seven sisters and a brother. “It’s a ton of fun, and these kids are awesome and beautiful and it’s really what life is all about — amazing and thrilling and challenging and a lot of fun. I feel very, very blessed.”

Almost 30 years after he became a ’tween idol, McIntyre’s career is still going full throttle. This past Friday he had a guest stint on “CSI: NY,” and yesterday the New Kids announced the dates for their European tour with BSB. In November, he has a guest role in the USA series “Psych,” (He plays a cop who may or may not be a superhero.) He’s also got a part in the upcoming Garry Marshall romcom “New Year’s Eve” alongside a ton of Hollywood heavies including Robert De Niro, Ashton Kutcher, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Biel and more.

“If you’re going to have a cameo in a movie, this is the one to have it in,” he laughed.

And in his spare time, Joey’s recording a Christmas album that will be out by Thanksgiving.

“I’m just so happy to be in Boston now,” he said. “It’s great to be home.”

To purchase tickets to tonight’s Sense-ation gala at the Renaissance Hotel call (617) 573-3345 or email Sense_ation@meei.harvard.edu.

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