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다발성 경화증 후원 모임에 참석

조이가 Rhys를 둔 부모로서 다양한 질환자들을 위한 지원을 한다거나 후원 모임에 많이 참석하는 것 같아요.

아무쪼록 조이부부의 바램대로 Rhys가 건강하고 행복하길 기원해 봅니다.

Actor/Singer Joe McIntyre was photographed upon his arrival at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Annual Dinner Of Champions held at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza on Monday, September 27th, 2010 in Century City, California.

This annual event is sponsored by and benefits the Southern California Chapter of the National MS Society. It raises funds that support MS research worldwide, as well as vital programs and services for people living with MS and their families.

This years honorees are Adam Fogelson, Chairman of Universal Pictures, for Universal’s continued support in helping the Society move closer toward a world free of multiple sclerosis. Singer David Osmond, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2005, received the Dorothy Corwin Spirit of Life award for his tireless efforts to raise MS awareness.

'News > Joey' 카테고리의 다른 글

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