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뉴키즈가 13일 보스턴의 셀틱스 오너의 취임축하 행사에서 자선공연을 펼친다고 합니다.

눈과 귀가 먼 아이를 도와주는 것이래요.

조이의 둘째 아들 Rhys역시 청력을 잃었다는 내용도 있군요.

항상 좋은 일에 앞장서는 뉴키즈!

간만에 한자리에 모이는 뉴키즈를 볼수 있겠네요.

New Kids at benefit

Mark Shanahan & Meredith Goldstein, Globe Staff / Sep 29, 2010

When Wyc Grousbeck said he wanted to energize Mass. Eye and Ear, he wasn’t kidding. The Celtics owner has enlisted New Kids on the Block to perform at the hospital’s inaugural gala, which takes place Oct. 13 at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel. Why? New Kid Joey McIntyre’s 9-month-old son, Rhys, was born with severe hearing loss, and the boy band star wants to support Mass. Eye and Ear’s new Cures for Kids Fund.

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