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드라마 90210 출연

Joey McIntyre talks '90210' role, 

possible NKOTB reunion on 'Blue Bloods'

Joey McIntyre has portrayed an inner city English teacher on Boston Public, a police officer on Psych, and a shady gunshot victim on CSI: NY, but for his guest role on tonight’s 90210, the New Kids on the Block triple threat has chosen a role that hits a little closer to home. He plays Rand Gunn, a music manager called in to help Dixon (Tristan Wilds). “He’s kind of a guy that comes in to save the day,” says McIntyre.

But this is 90210, so naturally things don’t go entirely to plan. “There’s a real reveal toward the end of the episode with one of the main characters that kind of scares him away,” teases McIntyre. But, he hadds, “Who knows? I might get called back to save the day again.” If nothing else, he’s made a friend on set in Wilds, who got his break on The Wire. “We were talking about how young he was on that show,” McIntyre recalls. “I was very famous as a teenager and going through a lot at that age, too, so we kind of [connected] on that.”

Having been in the music biz for nearly 30 years, McIntyre had plenty of inspirations to shape his performance. one in particular: New Kids’ manager Jared Paul. “He’s a young guy, he’s really smart,” says McIntyre. “He’s got a lot of analogies and, like, puns that he uses. I tried to work in a couple of puns… and used his energy a little bit.”

Looking forward, McIntyre has eyes on another role — guest starring with NKOTB bandmate Donnie Wahlberg on his CBS drama Blue Bloods. Before the show starts filming again, McIntyre and Wahlberg will tour alongside 98 Degrees and Boyz II Men in this summer’s The Package Tour. McIntyre admits he hasn’t wasted a minute talking up his first on-screen collabo with Wahlberg. “He’s actually going to be flying back and forth [from the tour] toward the beginning of next season,” he says. “I wrote him an e-mail recently — I was just busting his chops — saying, ‘It’s going to be tough for us flying back and forth when I’m the first guest star.’ He’s, like, ‘I’m going to get on it right now!’”

EW 인터뷰인데요,

Joey가 드라마 90210에서 매니저 역을 맡았습니다.

실제 NKOTB의 매니저인 Jared에 대한 칭찬 & Jared한테 몇가지 빌려왔나봐요^^

그리고 지난 여름 제가 촬영장에서 들었던 대로 Joey 역시 Blue Bloods 시즌 4에 대해 언급!

Blue Bloods 촬영이 The Package Tour중에 시작된다며

Donnie가 비행기 타고 뉴욕을 오가야한다는 것이지요!

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