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Joey와 Nsync의 Joey, Boyz II Men의 Shawn이 소아암병원을 방문했습니다.

Nsync의 Joey 가족들이 시작한 My Healing Harmony program을 위해 방문했다고하는데요,

음악을 통한 치료 프로그램이라고 합니다.

July 2011
Last week we had some special friends in town who took time out of their busy schedule to learn more about My Healing Harmony and to visit with some inspiring children. Special thanks go out to Joey McIntyre and Shawn Stockman who joined Joey and Holly Solis on a visit to the facility as well as some of the children.

Bringing celebrities to visit children in the hospital happens all of the time, but for us, it's more than just a visit. We want our celebrity friends to believe in what we are doing and leave inspired by the passion of our program. I have no doubt that we were successful. At the end of the day, it is all about the kids!

그러고보니, NKOTB가 컴백하기 전이던가요?

2008년즈음 Joey와 나이트 브라더스, Debbie Gibson이 Nsync의 Joey의 기금모금이벤트에

동참했던적이 있었는데요, 아래의 당시 사진을 보시면 팬여러분들도 아마 기억 아실듯...

'News > Joey' 카테고리의 다른 글

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