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Eman에 대한 애정이 정말 차고 넘쳐요^^

03/08/2011 - Viva Las Vegas Siempre!

Well, we got one more to go in Vegas. Another amazing chapter. A rollicking, fastidious adventure for the Creatures of the Nuance. Two things I have learned from this "residence": We still got it and Never again will I ever start a show at midnight! I wouldn't change a thing about the shows- that were magnificent... once we got to them!! Oy! Waiting all day LITERALLY to rock out was a pain in my Irish arse. Other than that... man, have we had fun. So much fun!! Eman and I are so blessed to have all of you come (some from around the world) to see us. We love the room. It feels tailor made for what we do. Everyone at Palms have gone out of their way to make us feel at home. And we have made a bunch of new friends there for sure. We sincerely hope to be back in the fall for another stint. But we still got one more to go and it will for sure be packed with the knock out punch. Every show, Eman and I come off the stage howling with delight as if we had never done a show together before and like we almost got caught with our hands in the cookie jar but instead devoured all the cookies. By now, folks know that anything goes and we crave the unexpected- like Eman last week slamming his big Greek fist down on the pick up of his "crackling/feedbacking" guitar after the opening song- just stood there smacking the shit out of it. Talk about breaking the ice. JUST WHAT I NEEDED =) Seriously, I need to be shaken up so I can let loose. And that night, Eman slamming his fist thru his guitar after just one song really did the trick. There have been so many raucous moments- on top of tables, underneath tables, The Rose and all its vomit, Eman singing to the back curtain. But one of my more sublime favorite memories came last week when we were performing All the Way, the Frank Sinatra classic. I love singing that song, but I particularly love singing it while Eman plays it. He hits all my favorite notes and chords in his rendition. We kind of give and take with that one, moving off one another. Staccato yet very fluid, so there are moments and breaths that come to fruition at different moments naturally. During one of those "breaths", the room was quiet- a good indication that the audience is enjoying the song- and you could hear from the back bar the bartender suddenly, yet softly in the distance, shake a cocktail-shaker, and without missing a beat I asked him what he was making. The audience sort of smiled and the song continued on. To me, that kind of a moment dramatizes the kind of setting this show is played in. You can't get that playing anywhere else. Its sublime. Its music within the music. Whether you came from across the country or from Europe or Japan or from just down the street, I hope it was worth it. I know it is something that Eman and I will always cherish. Let's end it with a bang! And a boom! And a bada bing!

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