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BLUE BLOODS 3회까지의 리뷰

지금까지 방영된 BLUE BLOODS 3회분 방송을 보고 느낀점을 몇가지 적어보려고 해요.

우선 주목할 점은 제가 몇해전부터 한편도 빼놓지 않고 애청하고 있는 드라마 BROTHERS & SISTERS(조나단도 무척 좋아하는 드라마랍니다)처럼 대가족이 둘러앉아 식사하는 씬이 매회마다 등장한다는 점이죠.

대한민국과 마찬가지로 핵가족이 많은 미국에서는 친구들이 마치 가족처럼 등장(프렌즈, 섹스앤더시티, 그레이아나토미 등등)했던 드라마가 주류를 이루고 있었는데요,

최근 몇해전부터는 가족중심의 드라마가 인기몰이를 하고 있는 것 같아요. 

도니는 식사씬에서 가장 열심히 음식을 리얼?하게 먹기에 전념하는 모습을 보여주지요.

빵도 어찌나 맛나게 뜯어서 먹는지 보다보면 괜시리 저도 침이 고인답니다^^

특히 2회에서 브로콜리 먹는 장면을 보고 저도 왕창 삶아서 초장 찍어 먹었다눈...

아무래도 BLUE BLOODS 식사씬 때문에 올겨울엔 살찔 것 같아요. 흐~

두번째는 다소 아쉬운 점입니다.

첫회 PILOT에 서는 도니의 파트너로 멋진 흑인이 등장(다소 BOOMTOWN스럽긴 했지만)하더니,

파일럿 통과한 후 2회부터는 도니가 파트너 없이 혼자 다니는게 영 마음에 걸리는군요.

2회에서는 여자 동료랑 사건을 맡았다가 3회에서는 반장?격인 사람과 같이 일하더라고요.

톰 셀릭이 드라마의 기둥처럼 존재감이 엄청나지만 전체적인 드라마를 이끌어 가는 주인공은 도니라고 봅니다.

해서 파트너 없이 혼자 북치고장구치고 하는 도니의 모습이 어쩐지 드라마가 자리를 못잡고 붕뜬것같은 느낌을 주는 듯해요.

무슨 내부사정으로 흑인 배우가 하차하게 되었는지 모르겠지만 하루빨리 도니랑 환상찰떡궁합을 선보일 파트너가 등장하길 바래보아요~

마지막으로 도니의 캐릭터의 성격이 다소 이중적이라는 점이죠.

첫회 파일럿에서 보셨다시피 사건해결을 위해서라면 물불안가리는(변기에 범인 얼굴 쳐박는거 보셨죠?) 성격임과 동시에 2,3회에서는 피해자들에 대한 연민이 많은 성격으로 비춰졌거든요.

더구나 도니의 동생으로 나오는 제이미한테 접촉했던 FBI비밀수사팀이 블루템플러가 각종 악덕행위를 일삼고 있다고 했는데, 도니가 첫회씬에서 금고에 블루템플러 뱃지를 갖고 있더란 말입니다.

블루템플러 멤버가 피해자에 대한 연민이 있다니.. 아무래도 다른 속사정이 있는 모양인데,

도니의 정확한 캐릭터에 대한 것은 드라마가 진행되면서 차차 밝혀지게 될듯하니 앞으로 더 기대가 되는 점이기도 하지요.

도니가 USA TODAY에 BLUE BLOODS 관련 기사가 나왔다고 트윗을 해줬네요.

제가 언급했던 식사씬에 관한 내용이니 보세요~

'Blue Bloods' feeds Wahlberg's hunger for a relatable TV role

Updated 4h 16m ago |  Comment    |  Recommend   E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this


By Heather Wines, CBS

Family meal: Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) sits down to dinner with his father, Frank (Tom Selleck), left, and the rest of the clan in Blue Bloods. A similar scene in the pilot is what drew Wahlberg to the role

A good meal was the way to Donnie Wahlberg's heart.

It wasn't a fancy, candlelight deal. It wasn't even a real meal. It was the dinner scene in the pilot of the new CBS drama Blue Bloods (tonight, 10 ET/PT).

The take-no-prisoners dining-room camaraderie of the fictional Reagans — a family deeply rooted in New York law enforcement — rang true to his own upbringing in a large family of Irish-Catholic heritage.

"I really felt so close to that dinner scene, it was shocking. I think that part made (the role) irresistible," says Wahlberg, who plays intense, rule-breaking NYPD Detective Danny Reagan.

"Sometimes, I read scripts and imagine myself as a character, and I imagine people's faces. I never envisioned an actress playing my sister in the dinner scene. I always envisioned my sister."

The family angle of Blue Bloods, the season's No. 2 new show (12.6 million viewers), was one of the main attractions for the actor, who is the father of two sons in real life and in the show. The multigenerational clan features a current and former police commissioner, an assistant district attorney and a rookie officer.

Wahlberg, 41, finds the relationship between Danny and his father, Commissioner Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck), compelling. Danny respects his father but doesn't want to and won't be able to follow in his footsteps as commissioner because of such moves as shoving a suspected kidnapper's head into a toilet.

"With Danny, I zeroed in on exploring what it is like to live in the shadow of a very powerful dad. There are times when that's a curse. There are times when that's an asset," he says.

Blue Bloods creators Mitchell Burgess and Robin Green saw a perfect fit when they watched Wahlberg's acting clips.

"He just had the energy of this character. There's something of the Corleones in this family. They're the Kennedys but also the Corleones. Sonny, the hothead, is sort of like Danny," while rookie officer Jamie (Will Estes) shares traits with Michael, Green says. Wahlberg "drives the show, in the cases, with his dynamism."

Wahlberg has often played cops —Boomtown, The Kill Point— and didn't want to be in a show that was strictly a procedural. "The irony is the Wahlberg boys (he and brother Mark) are always playing cops. Nobody confused us for cops when we were kids," he jokes, referring to their rough-and-tumble youth in Boston.

"In very procedural shows, your hands are sort of tied. The line says, 'You are under arrest,' and that's the line. With this show, it's not like I'm an insane patient running the asylum, but they've definitely given me the freedom to bring as much spirit to Danny as possible," he says.

In tonight's episode, "Officer Down," Wahlberg's Danny busts through accepted boundaries again as the NYPD tracks a cop killer. Frank has a different approach, which leads to a conflict with his father (Len Cariou), who crosses the line by getting involved in the investigation. Danny's sister, Erin (Bridget Moynahan), often offers legal points.

"It's one of those episodes where you see the Reagans working toward a common goal, but all doing it their own way. That's the show I enjoy making," Wahlberg says.

He also enjoys performing again with his first big showbiz success, New Kids on the Block.

"I spent the last 10 years or so working hard to build respectability as an actor. New Kids needed my full attention for the last 2½ years.

"Part of the choice to do this show is putting acting first a little bit, but New Kids is going to stay part of my career," he says. "I don't know that I can be dancing and singing when I'm 60. I hope to be acting when I'm 60."

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